From a very young age, in between dream and reality, my fingers decided to write, typing their own music with different instruments.
7 years ago, an idea knocked on my door with persistence. Thanks to her patience, my fingers gave her the form of an imaginary novel, an initiatory fable, which I finished to type the first volume in October 2019 and designed and published in Spring 2022.
The story I gave birth to is called:
The Quest - The hummingbirds Planet,
or when the heart has questions that hummingbirds ignore.
This is the summary she gave to me:
On The Planet where Lily, Iris and Ben are living, the mechanics of life go smoothly.
The Government takes care of everything and the Citizens just have to be happy.
In this comfortable society, it is nevertheless better to avoid asking too many questions.
On this planet where books speak, where elephants fly,
Where we can sink into the tar and disappear forever,
Where the pieces of hearts are shattered,
Where you can wash your brain or grill on the spot,
Where wrinkles are forbidden and trees are dangerous,
Some Citizens have decided to disobey and listen to their Cord.
Located in their chest, he is the main enemy of the power in place.
Everything is done to silence and forget him.
By following him, he will lead them to their truth, at the cost of all dangers.

Wish to read more?
* Visit a friendly place *
The book is available at 'friendly places'; friends houses, bookstores, restaurants, inspiring places where you can pick it up yourself. The idea is for me is not only that you can pick-up your book without post costs, but moreover that you can visit places and people I love, creating a map of connexion through and beyond the book. If you feel like becoming a friendly place, please feel free to contact me. On-growing list of friendly-places (click on the place to have or receive the address):
Clichy ~ Choisy ~ Eindhoven, Van Piere Bookshop ~ Montpellier, The bookshop ~ Montpellier, Coffee Club / Bonobo (where I wrote many chapters of my book) ~ Montrouge ~ Toulouse ~ Turqueville ~ Villefranche-sur-Saone
* Join a Circle of Light *
The book is available during Circle of Light events. The intention of these events is to connect with the light of creativity; to honor it and express it; to unlock the creative power which is flowing within all of us; the golden light. You can host a Circle of Light at your place for a group of 5 to 8 of your friends or relatives for a price of 175 to 280 euros, depending on the number of people,- for 2 hours, including creative materials.
~ Host a Circle of Light at your home for a group of 5 to 8 people ~
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